Gentle Parenting is hard, doesn’t work, and makes parents feel bad!

“Gentle parenting is so hard, I’m not sure I’m cut out for it!” If I had a pound/dollar/euro for everytime I’ve seen this written online I would be a VERY rich woman by now. However it is totally and uttlerly WRONG. This sentence makes me incredibly sad and frustrated because it highlights how much peopleContinue reading “Gentle Parenting is hard, doesn’t work, and makes parents feel bad!”

Why we need more politicians who are mothers

How do we bring humanity to politics? How do we nurture families and quite rightfully view children as the society of tomorrow? The answer is simple – we move from the patriarchy to the matriarchy. We give the reins of power to women, or more specifically – mothers. Mothers who deeply care about the world they are shaping for their children. Mothers who have empathy for others and don’t view those less fortunate as a drain on the public purse, but people who are worthy of support and investment. Mothers who know how to resolve difficult problems, considering all sides. Mothers who can handle conflict, who can juggle many balls and who can make tough decisions. Mothers who are as strong as they are nurturing.

The Gentle Parenting Stance on Santa/Father Christmas

“What’s the Gentle Parenting stance on Santa (or Father Christmas if you’re in the UK)?” “I’ve heard you’re not allowed to do Santa if you follow Gentle Parenting – is that true?” I think many are confused about Gentle Parenting. It is simply a belief system that children deserve to be treated with respect andContinue reading “The Gentle Parenting Stance on Santa/Father Christmas”

Why Perfectionism is the Enemy of Parents (and why ‘good enough’ is better).

This article is a little excerpt from my book: ‘How to be a Calm Parent’: Time and time again I come across parents who feel that they are failing their children because they have flaws. They believe that if they are not always ready and able to meet their child’s needs, then they are notContinue reading “Why Perfectionism is the Enemy of Parents (and why ‘good enough’ is better).”

Ten Things Every Parent Should Know About Raising Tweens

If you have a tweenager, the name given to children aged between 8 and 13 years of age, you will likely have experienced many new parenting dilemmas. These years bring unique challenges, not just limited to the rudeness, back chat, laziness and defiance that so many complain of. Parents of tweens also have to navigateContinue reading “Ten Things Every Parent Should Know About Raising Tweens”

Helping Children With Low Self-Confidence

A lack of confidence can manifest in many different – and often unexpected – ways in children. At one extreme there’s the quiet, shy child who doesn’t take risks; at the other, there’s the child with challenging behaviour who doesn’t listen, has no attention span and tends to sabotage activities. It’s fairly easy to spot theContinue reading “Helping Children With Low Self-Confidence”

When to Expect Positive Change when Working on your Child’s Sleep (or sleep training)

Working with baby and child sleep is like doing a jigsaw puzzle that has some missing pieces, some placed in the wrong position and a handful of extra pieces from another puzzle that don’t belong thrown in for good measure. Some children need all seven steps to be implemented consistently for them to sleep as soundly as possible, whileContinue reading “When to Expect Positive Change when Working on your Child’s Sleep (or sleep training)”

How to Encourage Reluctant Children to Brush Their Teeth

Do you have a reluctant tooth-brusher? There are several reasons why young children don’t like having their teeth brushed, but the top three in my opinion are:

What Should you Look for, or ask, at a School Open Day?

Are you just starting to think about choosing your child’s first school? Not sure what to look for, or what to ask when you visit? This article should help!